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Everything You Need to Know About Sandstone for Paving
  • Aarti Jain

Everything You Need to Know About Sandstone for Paving

Sandstone, a versatile sedimentary rock, is famous for paving due to its durability and natural beauty. Formed from compressed sand and minerals over millions of years, it boasts various colours, textures, and patterns, making each slab unique. Its porous nature allows for efficient drainage, which is ideal for outdoor use. Sandstone for paving is known for its resilience against weathering and foot traffic, making it suitable for pathways, patios, and driveways. Regular sealing can enhance its longevity and maintain its appearance. Understanding sandstone's properties and maintenance ensures a lasting and aesthetically pleasing paving solution for any outdoor space.

What is Sandstone Paving?

Sandstone is a type of rock made from grains of sand stuck together. It's found in many places around the world and comes in many different colours. Sandstone is important because it's used in construction and sometimes even art. From its humble origins to its diverse applications in construction and artistry, sandstone remains a cornerstone of human civilization.

What is Sandstone Made of?

Sandstone is like a sandwich. But instead of bread, it's made of tiny grains of sand. These grains can be of different colours, like red, yellow, or grey. When these grains get squished together over a long time, they stick and form a rock. This process is called "cementation."

Where Can You Find Sandstone?

Sandstone can be found in many different places. Sometimes, it's underground, like when you dig a hole in the ground. Other times, it's above the ground, like on cliffs or hillsides. You can find sandstone in deserts, beaches, and some mountains. 

What Does Sandstone Look Like?

Sandstone comes in many different colours and patterns. It can be red, brown, yellow, grey, or white. Sometimes, it has stripes or spots. If you look closely, you can see the tiny grains of sand stuck together.

How is Sandstone Used?

Sandstone is used in lots of ways because it's solid and durable. Builders use it to make buildings, walls, and even sidewalks. Sometimes, artists use sandstone to make sculptures or carvings. It's also used in gardens and parks to make paths or decorative features.

Sandstone is a type of rock made from sand grains stuck together for a long time. It comes in different colours and patterns and is found in many places worldwide. People use sandstone in construction, art, and landscaping because it's strong and looks nice.

How is Sandstone Paving Formed?

Sandstone for paving makes paths, patios, and other outdoor surfaces. It's formed naturally over a long time. Let's explore how sandstone paving is made step by step.

Formation of Sandstone

Sandstone starts as sand, which is tiny bits of rock and minerals. Over many years, these tiny bits get pressed together under the ground. This pressure squashes them tight, like when you press sand together to make a sandcastle.

Mixing with Minerals

Sometimes, other minerals mix with the sand, giving the sandstone different colours and patterns. It's like adding different colours to paint to make a picture more interesting.

Pressure and Heat

As more sand piles up on top, the weight presses down, making the sandstone harder. The heat from the Earth also helps to stick everything together. It's like baking a cake – heat makes everything hold together.

Time and Changes

Over millions of years, the Earth moves and changes. Sometimes, sandstone gets pushed up to the surface. We can find and use this to make things like paving stones.

Quarrying Sandstone

People find sandstone in big chunks in places called quarries. They cut the big chunks into smaller pieces using special machines. These pieces are what we use to make paving.

Shaping and Finishing

After cutting, workers shape the pieces into the right size and shape for paving. They may also smooth the surface to make it look nice.

Using Sandstone for Paving

Once the sandstone is shaped and finished, it will be used. Builders lay it down carefully to make paths or patios. Sandstone for paving adds beauty and durability to outdoor spaces.

Sandstone paving is made naturally, starting as sand and forming under pressure and heat. Quarrying and shaping turn it into the paving we use to create outdoor paths and patios, adding functionality and natural beauty to our surroundings.

What Colours Does Sandstone Paving Comes in?

Sandstone for paving comes in various colours. These colours give options for making outdoor spaces like gardens and pathways beautiful. Let's explore the different colours of sandstone paving stones.

Natural Shades

Sandstone for paving can come in natural shades, including beige, brown, and grey. Beige looks like a light sandy colour. Brown resembles earthy tones, like soil or tree bark. Grey is similar to the colour of rocks.

  • Beige Sandstone:

    Beige sandstone is a soft, warm stone. It's like a cosy hug from nature. Made of tiny quartz grains, it looks welcoming in sunlight. You can use it inside or outside because it's strong and lasts long. It goes well with any building style, old or new. Beige sandstone can be used for floors, walls, or gardens. It makes any place look fancy and nice.
  • Fossil Mint Sandstone:

    Fossil Mint sandstone is unique. It's beige with hints of grey and green. You can find little fossils in it, like a treasure hunt! It's perfect for floors and walls. It doesn't need much care and stays pretty for ages. Its astonishing patterns make any place look relaxed and fun.
  • Autumn Brown Sandstone:

    Autumn Brown sandstone is earthy and rich. It's like walking through crunchy leaves. It has shades of brown and ochre, like a cosy blanket. The lines and colours on its surface give it an excellent texture. It's super strong and lasts long. You can use it for paths, patios, or even in gardens. It adds a touch of nature's beauty to any place.

Red and Pink Tones

Some sandstone paving stones have red or pink tones. These tones add warmth to outdoor areas. Red tones resemble the colour of bricks, while pink tones are lighter and softer.

  • Dholpur Pink Sandstone:

    Dholpur Pink sandstone comes from Rajasthan, India. It's pink and firm and used for building things and making places look nice. People like it because it's pretty and lasts a long time. It feels smooth and looks fancy, making buildings look better.
  • Jodhpur Pink Sandstone:

    Jodhpur Pink sandstone is also from Rajasthan. It's a mix of pink, beige, and cream colours. People use it to make walls and floors pretty. It looks calm and friendly in homes and offices. The colours mix well, making buildings look special.
  • Mandana Red Sandstone:

    Mandana Red Sandstone is from Rajasthan, India. It's red with some yellow and orange lines. People use it to make vital things like walls and pillars. It looks bright and full of life, making buildings stand out.
  • Jodhpur Red Sandstone:

    Jodhpur Red Sandstone is from Rajasthan, India. It's dark red with some brown and orange colours. People use it to make significant buildings look grand and vital. It's strong and looks powerful, making buildings impressive.
  • Agra Red Sandstone:

    Agra Red sandstone comes from Uttar Pradesh, India. It's red-orange with pink and yellow bits. People use it to make famous buildings like the Taj Mahal. It looks warm and fancy, making buildings look special and historic.

Yellow and Gold Hues

Sandstone for paving also offers yellow and gold hues. These colours bring brightness to outdoor spaces. Yellow hues are vibrant like sunshine, while gold tones add a touch of luxury.

  • Rippon Buff:

    Rippon Buff sandstone has warm colours, such as beige and cream. It looks nice outside because it's simple but adds depth to the area. People like using it for paths and patios because it fits well with different styles, whether old-fashioned or modern.
  • Ravina:

    Ravina sandstone has colours like brown and grey and sometimes a bit of green. It looks rugged and wild, like nature. It makes outdoor stuff like walls and gardens look more natural and exciting. Because they are not all the same colour, they make things look more unique and special.
  • Teak Wood:

    Teak Wood sandstone looks like old wood with its golden brown and caramel colours. People use it outside, like for floors and walkways, because it looks fancy and lasts long. Even though it's not natural wood, it still gives a nice, warm feeling, like being in a cosy cabin.
  • Desert Yellow:

    Desert Yellow sandstone is like having a piece of the desert in your garden. It's got colours like yellow and orange mixed with sandy beige. When the sun shines on it, it looks beautiful. People use it outside for paths and walls to make their gardens warm and welcoming.

Subtle Blacks and Greys

Sometimes, sandstone for paving may have subtle black or grey undertones. These shades offer a unique look to outdoor areas. Grey tones give an excellent calming effect and freshness.

  • Sagar Black Sandstone:

    Sagar Black Sandstone comes from India and has a deep black colour with some lines. It's strong and lasts long, so people use it for floors, walls, and gardens. It looks fancy and modern, making any place look nice.
  • Kandla Grey Sandstone:

    Kandla Grey Sandstone is also from India. It's grey and a bit blue. People like it because it's strong and can be used for floors, walls, and even around pools. It makes places feel calm and modern.
  • Lalitpur Grey Sandstone:

    Lalitpur Grey Sandstone is smooth and stays the same colour. People use it outside for paths and walls because it lasts a long time. It makes places look nice and can fit any style.

Mixtures and Blends

Sandstone paving stones can also be mixed and blended with different colours. These combinations create intricate patterns and designs, offering flexibility in designing outdoor spaces according to personal preferences.

  • Raj Green Sandstone:

    Raj Green sandstone comes from India and has natural colours like green, yellow, and brown. It looks like the peaceful countryside. People like to use it in gardens and paths because it's strong and lasts long.
  • Two-Tone Sandstone:

    Two-tone sandstone has mixed light and dark colours. It makes spaces look exciting and stylish. You can use it for floors, walls, or gardens to give them a cool look.
  • Rainbow Sandstone:

    Rainbow sandstone is full of varied colours, such as dark brown, dark yellow, red, and orange lines and hues. It's like a rainbow in stone! People use it outside to make their gardens and paths look beautiful and full of life.

Sandstone for paving comes in various colours, from natural shades like beige and brown to vibrant hues like red and yellow. These colours allow for creativity in designing outdoor areas. Whether it's a garden pathway or a patio, sandstone for paving offers options to suit different styles and preferences.

Pros and Cons of Sandstone for Paving

Sandstone paving offers a blend of natural beauty and practicality, making it popular for outdoor surfaces like patios, pathways, and driveways. However, like any building material, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you decide whether sandstone for paving is the right choice for your project.

Pros of Sandstone Paving

  • Natural Aesthetics: 

    Sandstone boasts a unique blend of earthy tones and natural textures, adding a timeless charm to any outdoor space. Its variations in colour and pattern create a visually appealing surface that complements various architectural styles.
  • Durability: 

    When properly installed and maintained, sandstone for paving can withstand outdoor conditions, including fluctuating temperatures and heavy foot traffic. Its robust nature ensures longevity, making it a cost-effective investment in the long run.
  • Versatility: 

    Sandstone is a versatile material that can be cut and shaped to suit different design preferences and project requirements. Whether you prefer a traditional or contemporary look, sandstone for paving offers flexibility in design possibilities.
  • Slip Resistance: 

    Sandstone's naturally textured surface provides excellent traction, reducing the risk of slips and falls, especially in wet conditions. This feature enhances safety, particularly in outdoor areas frequented by children and the elderly.

Cons of Sandstone Paving

  • Porosity: 

    Sandstone is inherently porous, which can absorb moisture and stains if unprotected. It may be susceptible to damage from water, oil, and other substances without proper sealing, potentially leading to discolouration and deterioration over time.
  • Maintenance Requirements: 

    To preserve its appearance and integrity, sandstone for paving requires regular maintenance, including sealing and occasional cleaning. Failure to maintain the surface properly can result in premature wear and deterioration.
  • Cost: 

    While sandstone for paving offers excellent value in aesthetics and durability, it tends to be more expensive than some alternative materials, particularly synthetic options. The initial investment may be higher, but many homeowners consider it a worthwhile expense for its long-term benefits.

Sandstone paving presents a blend of natural beauty, durability, and versatility, making it a desirable choice for outdoor landscaping projects. However, weighing its pros and cons carefully is essential to determine whether it aligns with your budget, aesthetic preferences, and maintenance expectations.

How to Lay Sandstone for Paving?

Sandstone paving offers timeless beauty and durability to outdoor spaces, making it a popular choice for patios, pathways, and garden features. Whether you're a novice DIY enthusiast or a homeowner looking to enhance your outdoor area, learning how to lay sandstone for paving can be rewarding. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the practical steps to achieve a professional-looking finish while keeping it simple.

Choosing the Right Sandstone

Before starting the laying process, it is crucial to select the right type of sandstone for your project. Consider factors such as colour, texture, and thickness to ensure it complements your outdoor space seamlessly.

Preparing the Site

Start by clearing the area of any vegetation, debris, or old paving. Mark out the boundaries using string lines and pegs to outline the desired layout. Excavate the site to a depth of approximately 150mm, ensuring a firm and level base for your sandstone.

Creating a Solid Sub-base

Next, create a solid sub-base using a compacted hardcore or MOT Type 1 aggregate layer. Spread the material evenly across the excavated area and compact it using a mechanical compactor to achieve a stable foundation.

Laying the Sandstone

Begin laying the sandstone paving slabs from one corner of the site, working your way across in a staggered pattern to create a visually appealing layout. Place each slab onto a mortar bed, ensuring they are level and evenly spaced. Use a spirit level and rubber mallet to adjust the height and alignment as needed.

Cutting and Shaping

For areas where full-size slabs won't fit, use a stone cutter or diamond blade saw to cut the sandstone to the desired size and shape. When cutting the stone, remember to wear appropriate safety gear, such as goggles and gloves. 

Want to know more about how to cut sandstone paving

Jointing and Sealing

Once all the slabs are in place, fill the joints with a mixture of sharp sand and cement. Brush off any excess material and allow the mortar to cure before applying a sealant to protect the sandstone from stains and weathering.

By following these simple steps, you can transform your outdoor space with the timeless beauty of sandstone paving. With careful planning and attention to detail, you'll achieve professional results that will enhance your home for years.

How Do You Keep Sandstone Paving Clean?

Sandstone paving lends a timeless charm to outdoor spaces, with its natural hues and rugged texture adding character to any landscape. However, proper maintenance is essential to preserve its beauty and longevity. Whether adorning a garden pathway or a patio, sandstone requires regular care to withstand the elements and foot traffic. This guide will explore effective strategies and tips to ensure your sandstone paving remains clean and pristine for years to come.

Understanding Sandstone

Before delving into maintenance techniques, it's crucial to grasp the nature of sandstone. Formed from sedimentary rocks, sandstone features grains of sand and minerals fused by natural processes over time. Its porous surface makes it susceptible to staining and weathering, emphasizing the need for proactive care.

Regular Cleaning Routine

A consistent cleaning regimen is the cornerstone of sandstone maintenance. Begin by sweeping the surface with a broom or brush to remove debris, preventing scratches and abrasions during subsequent cleaning steps. A mild detergent and water can effectively remove dirt and grime for routine upkeep. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, which may damage the stone's delicate surface.

Combatting Stains

Stains detract from the beauty of sandstone paving and necessitate prompt action for removal. Organic stains from leaves, algae, or mildew can be tackled with a mixture of water and vinegar or specialized stone cleaners. For oil-based stains like grease or food spills, absorbent materials such as baking soda or cornstarch can help lift the stain before cleaning with a gentle detergent.

Sealing for Protection

To safeguard against moisture infiltration and staining, consider sealing your used sandstone for paving. A quality sealant creates a protective barrier, reducing the stone's susceptibility to damage from water, oil, and other substances. Apply the sealant according to the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring thorough coverage for comprehensive protection.

Maintaining sandstone for paving requires diligence and care, but the rewards are undeniable. By implementing a regular cleaning routine, promptly addressing stains, and considering protective measures such as sealing, you can preserve the timeless beauty of your outdoor space for generations to come. With these strategies in mind, you can enjoy the natural elegance of sandstone paving while ensuring its longevity and durability.

Where are the Best and Worst Places to Use Sandstone for Paving?

As seen over time, no potential worst places exist to use sandstone for paving. With its timeless appeal and durability, sandstone paving offers a versatile solution for enhancing outdoor spaces. From patios to pathways, choosing suitable locations for sandstone for paving can transform mundane areas into captivating landscapes. This guide delves into the best places to utilize sandstone for paving, providing practical insights for creating stunning outdoor environments.


A patio serves as an extension of your living space, offering an area for relaxation and entertainment. Sandstone paving excels in patio applications due to its natural beauty and weather-resistant properties. Whether you desire a rustic or contemporary look, sandstone pavers provide a charming backdrop for outdoor furniture and gatherings.

Garden Paths

Garden paths facilitate movement within your landscape and add visual interest and structure. Sandstone for paving lends itself perfectly to garden paths, blending seamlessly with surrounding foliage while offering a durable surface for foot traffic. Whether winding through flower beds or leading to a secluded retreat, sandstone paths evoke a sense of tranquillity and charm.


For those seeking to elevate their home's curb appeal, sandstone for paving presents an attractive option for driveways. With its strength and resilience, sandstone can withstand vehicular traffic while imparting a touch of sophistication to your property's entrance. Proper installation and maintenance ensure longevity and functionality, making sandstone an excellent choice for discerning homeowners.

Pool Surrounds

Create an oasis in your backyard with sandstone paving around your pool area. Sandstone's natural texture provides a non-slip surface, enhancing safety without compromising aesthetics. Its ability to stay cool underfoot makes it comfortable for bare feet on hot summer days, elevating your poolside experience.


Courtyards offer intimate outdoor spaces for relaxation and contemplation. Sandstone paving adds character and warmth to these secluded areas, whether in urban settings or rural retreats. Its earthy tones and varied textures harmonize with architectural features, creating inviting environments for leisure and reflection.

From patios to pool surrounds, sandstone for paving elevates outdoor spaces with its timeless beauty and practical functionality. By carefully selecting suitable locations for sandstone installation, you can enhance your outdoor environment's aesthetic appeal and usability, creating lasting impressions for years to come.

Sandstone's versatility extends beyond conventional outdoor spaces. It is ideal for high-traffic areas and challenging environments. Its robust nature withstands heavy foot traffic, making it suitable for pathways, commercial areas, and public spaces.

  • High-Traffic Areas:

    Sandstone's durability and strength make it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas such as walkways, driveways, and commercial spaces. Its dense composition and resistance to wear ensure that it can withstand the daily hustle and bustle without losing its visual appeal or structural integrity. Whether in bustling urban settings or busy outdoor venues, sandstone for paving offers a reliable solution for enduring heavy use while maintaining its aesthetic charm.
  • Areas Prone to Frost:

    Sandstone's natural ability to withstand freezing temperatures makes it an ideal option for areas prone to frost and cold climates. Unlike other paving materials that may crack or deteriorate in freezing conditions, sandstone remains stable and resilient. Its strength and resistance to frost damage ensure it can endure harsh winter weather without compromising its structural integrity, making it a reliable choice for outdoor spaces in regions with cold climates.
  • Wet or Shaded Areas:

    Sandstone's porous nature allows for adequate water drainage, particularly well-suited for wet or shaded areas where moisture accumulation may occur. Its ability to absorb and dissipate water prevents the formation of puddles or standing water, reducing the risk of slips and falls. Additionally, sandstone's textured surface provides traction even when wet, enhancing safety in areas prone to moisture buildup. Whether used in shaded garden paths or damp outdoor patios, sandstone for paving offers practical functionality and aesthetic appeal in wet or shaded environments.

The Final Say

Using sandstone for paving turns out to be a robust solution and looks excellent for outdoor areas. We've learned what it's made of, why it's good, and how to take care of it. Sandstone is fantastic for paths, patios, and driveways because it can handle different weather. It comes in lots of colours and feels, so you can make your outdoor space look unique. Just remember to clean it regularly and put a seal on it to keep it looking good for a long time. You can make your outdoor spaces cosy and last long with sandstone paving.

Aarti Jain

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